So, it says 'German' on it but there is no German in it. That's me. I am a fake.
I've got proof in my passport and even my birth certificate states that I am.....but I am not. I feel soooo not German. I don't understand the Germans. OMG!! They are obsessed with order and doing everything by the drives me mental. Or better: it drives them mental when their order is lost or someone prevents them from keeping it.
Went to a viewing yesterday. A room in a shared flat. Nothing too exciting. I thought....
I was almost interrogated!! OK, i did expect the cleaning rota but what I didn't expect was the care and perfection with which the common bills are being sorted out!!! Eerie. If you rent a bedroom of say 11sqm your rent seems quite low. And that is fine. But then add the utitility bills which are being split into 'absent' and 'present' days in the flat...which is then applied to the usage of water and heat etc. That means it is meticulously calculated how many days of waste water and and fresh water you have to pay for and the heating is calculated per room (because in this country you are the master of your radiator) and not per flat...
I didn't dare ask how the usage of the kitchen is being calculated because I had almost peed in my pants, I was sooo scared of that rationality behind thoses people's trains of thought. It must be added those, that those tenants were very young and had neither life nor experience from being abroad. So, they probably acted to the best of their knowledge.
I should act to the best of my knowledge as well and get the f... out of here...!!!!
The only consolation: I am by far not the only one who feels this English colleagues and I have a blast taking the piss out of the Germans.....